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Welcome to Mobilizing Critical
Disability Studies For Change

The Mobilizing Critical Disability Studies for Change website (“Mobilizing CDS”) is a gathering space for people interested in mutual knowledge and resource sharing to support the use of critical disability studies (CDS) perspectives in areas where those perspectives are often missing.


Mobilizing CDS is a collective of scholars / activists / community people who critically question ableism and intersecting oppressions.* This network is multi-disciplinary, intersectional, and community-informed and often led. This group includes people who self-identify as disabled, mad, fat, sex- and gender-diverse, neurodiverse, autistic d/Deaf, living with environmental sensitivities or chronic illness, and allies.



*For those new to CDS terminology, please go to our "Glossary of Terms" below for an explanation of terms used, while recognizing that terminology may change over time and place.

Contact Us

Please note that this site is monitored monthly by volunteers, so it may take us a while to respond to your query. Thank you for understanding.

Thank you for your email. We'll get back to you within a few weeks.

© 2024 Mobilizing Critical Disability Studies for Change

This is the Mobilizing Critical Disability Studies for Change logo. It is a drawing of a tree with two intertwining trunks. One trunk is dark green and the other is orange. The trunks are surrounded by leaves of many colours: purple, green, red, yellow, and brown. Under the roots of the tree is the name of the group, "Critical Disability Studies for Change".   Critical Disability Studies provide the roots or foundation for the group. The intertwining branches represent our intersectional approach and the leaves represent diverse disability communities.
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