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(De) Institutionalization

Articles & Books

  • Ben-Moshe, L. (2013). ’The institution yet to come’: Analyzing incarceration through a disability lens. In L. Davis (Ed.), The disability studies reader (4th ed.) (pp. 132-143). Routledge.

  • Horodyski, M. (2020). "A very serious matter": The Manitoba Government's Institution for People with Intellectual Disability. Prairie History 1, 5-19. 

  • Malacrida, C. (2012). Bodily practices as vehicles for dehumanization in an institution for mental defectives.Societies, 2(4), 286-301.

  • Rossiter, K., & Clarkson, A. (2013). Opening Ontario’s “saddest chapter”: A social history of Huronia Regional Centre. Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 2(3), 1-30.


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© 2024 Mobilizing Critical Disability Studies for Change

This is the Mobilizing Critical Disability Studies for Change logo. It is a drawing of a tree with two intertwining trunks. One trunk is dark green and the other is orange. The trunks are surrounded by leaves of many colours: purple, green, red, yellow, and brown. Under the roots of the tree is the name of the group, "Critical Disability Studies for Change".   Critical Disability Studies provide the roots or foundation for the group. The intertwining branches represent our intersectional approach and the leaves represent diverse disability communities.
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